Thursday 9 June 2011

Almost there...

Okay so it's been a while since i last wrote anything on here. I have a few valid excuses for that though. The first one being of course that until a few days ago i didn't have what you'd call proper functioning internet. As you can imagine, being stuck in the smallest village known to man, with no internet and not really much else to do, it's been a bit of a miserable life. Which brings me nicely onto my second reason - anything i'd have written would have had people running to the bathroom to find summat sharp to slit their wrists with. Okay maybe i'm exaggerating a lot there, but in all honesty, it wouldn't have been a happy read.

 I have 3 weeks left here now - yes time is still going that slowly! I guess it's not really long now til i come home, but in a lot of ways, it still feels like aaaaaages :-(

 I suppose it's not all been awful. My family came to visit at the start of May and i have to say that was the happiest week of my life since moving to France. By the time of their visit i was much less of an emotional wreck, thank goodness, and ready to smile a bit. That's another problem with being here, you don't get enough opportunities to have fun, to smile and laugh. Life is very monotonous, an endless drudge from one day to the next until they start to merge into eachother and form one ongoing bore.

 Luckily i came prepared with plenty of books and DVDs. Even they had to be topped up regularly, thanks to Mum and Greg. Goodness knows what i'd have done without any form of diversion.

 I've decided to break with tradition and write a much shorter blog entry this time. I don't want to bore anyone and to be honest, i've had enough of feeling so miserable. I know good things are on their way, and i'm trying to be positive for the remainder of my time here.

 Before i do go though, i just want to thank the one person who's been there for me every single day of this horrendous experience- Greg. I don't know what i'd have done without you. It feels like so much longer than 3 months. You've texted me, phoned me, written to me, sent me magazines, cheered me up, made me laugh. I know how hard it's been for you to deal with me. I've not been the easiest person to talk to. Not many guys would have stuck around. So thank you babe. I'm looking forward so much to seeing you again. Love you lots!

 And as promised, here endeth this entry :-)

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